Logline Friday Prize – Professional Screenwriting Tools!

Ashley of SellingYourScreenplay.com has graciously donated a 1-month subscription to his Professional Screenwriting Tools to the winner of designated Logline Friday competitions!

Not familiar with Ashley’s new service?  (Did you not click the link above?)  Well, it includes a screenwriting forum, ways to build your own website, and access to his query-blast service.

So click that link already to check out the prize!  Or, if you’re link-wary, cut and paste the address below:

Selling Your Screenplay Select

A subscription to Ashley’s Professional Screenwriting Tools is usually $4.99 a month, but if you win Logline Friday, you’ll get a free month-long preview, with no strings attached.  It’s a way to check out a cool service and see if you like it.

So get those loglines ready! (Need help? See Past Logline Winners)

Friday is just around the corner.



2 Responses to Logline Friday Prize – Professional Screenwriting Tools!

  1. Jojo Strange says:

    Let’s see if I can do this.

    A pot farmer gets busted with 420 lbs. of pot hidden under a cover of corn. His kids and their friends decide to steal the pot back from the police station. I call it “Ocean’s 11 meets Cheech and Chong”

  2. Jabari says:

    Scifi-Thriller. It’s The Abyss meets Cloverfield. In a post-apocalyptic world, a leader of a drifting navy militia encounters a rampant disease on his ship and must go to the depths of the sea to a fallen city to recover a cure but finds it leaked into the water and evolved lab creatures into monsters that threaten their survival.