Tag Archives: screenplay loglines

Today is Logline Friday

Logline Friday is back, starting…now! What is Logline Friday?   It’s a free, weekly competition that gives screenwriters a reason to practice honing their screenplay loglines. How do I submit my logline? Tweet it to @scriptdreric in one or two tweets.  Or, if you’re shy, you may email it to me. How many loglines can I […]

Logline Friday Winner – January 14th

And the Logline Friday winner for Friday, January 14th is… Rich Sheehy! First and Goal – Two NFL coaches (former teammates turned bitter enemies – think Ryan and Belechick), must figure out a way to get along when their kids announce they are getting married. This high-concept comedy might be too derivative for some, but hey, those […]

Logline Friday Winner – September 10th

And the winner of Logline Friday for September 10th, 2010 is… Anthony Filangeri! What happens when two high school girls like the same boy? A) Catfight. B) House fire. C) Cold blooded murder. D) All the above. While Anthony’s logline isn’t breaking new ground conceptually, his presentation is original enough to grab attention, yet not […]

Logline Friday Winner – June 4th, 2010

Without further ado, the Logline Friday winner for June 4th, 2010 is…Levan Hines a.k.a. @FinalDraftJunki! @FinalDraftJunki – “Heavenly Decent” – Angels go on strike and, descend on earth to find jobs when God cancels the end of times. Though a phrase like “the end of times” seems a bit vague, I like the strong “fish […]

Appealing the Logline Friday Decision

First of all, thank you for participating in Logline Friday! Every month the competition grows, and I love seeing so many screenwriters working on loglines, pitches, and condensing their stories. If you read the most recent Logline Friday winner and thought, “Hey, my logline is better than that!” you were probably not alone. Sorry! Every […]