Category Archives: General Screenwriting

Screenwriting Office Hours

Today marks the first day of screenwriting office hours. In other words, from noon to one today, chat me up!  I’ll be answering questions on screenwriting, query letters, selling your screenplay, LA, my personal life (boring!) or anything else you can think of. Tweet me on Twitter, or message me on Facebook or gchat during […]

Logline Friday Winner – The Claim

Happy New Year’s Eve!* We end this holiday season with an extremely competitive Logline Friday.  Honestly, there were seven loglines that I thought could be winners.  It was a struggle to pick one. So how did I decide?  I did what I usually do when caught in a dilemma – I asked for a second […]

Feedback Friday

As a screenwriter* I like to get notes on my scripts from a variety of sources.  I’ll get free notes from friends who are screenwriters, actors, agents, or producers, but I’ll also purchase script notes to get an expert opinion from a complete stranger. The way I see it, the more feedback I get, the […]

Free Awards Season Screenplays

Just wanted to drop a quick line to let you know that some awards season scripts are beginning to appear online.  Which means, it’s my favorite time of the year!  (The time where you can get free screenplays from some of the greatest movies of 2012.  :)) One of the best things you can do […]

Hiatus, Schmi..atus?

So, when I said I’d be back in October, that was wishful thinking that turned out to be, well, wishful thinking. Let’s put all* the cards on the table. I have been working on a project, and that project is definitely finishing. It’s final deadline is set in stone. And that date, is December 3rd. […]