Category Archives: Selling a Screenplay

How do I get agents/producers to read my Query Letter?

This question was recently sent to me via my Facebook account Hey, Eric. Been writing for a long time. Have a couple produced films and have sold several others (in Texas, where it pays nothing). You talk about writing great query letters, but it doesn’t seem like any reputable agents/managers want to read them. You […]

How Long Should My Treatment Be?

I got this question recently: I’ve written a feature-length script, and wanted to write a treatment.  I’ve heard that it should be between 20-30 pages.  Is that true? Most screenwriting rules are more like “guidelines,” (as Geoffrey Rush might say, in Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl) and treatments even more so. […]

Tired of Rewriting?

Recently, I gave notes to a friend of mine on her script.  The larger notes called for a major overhaul of the story, and she said she had been getting the same note from others. My friend expressed severe fatigue at the thought of rewriting her script from page 1, and exasperatingly wondered if it […]

This Friday’s Scriptcast (A Screenwriting Podcast)

For this Friday’s episode of Scriptcast we’re honored to be joined by screenwriter Ashley Meyers. As many of you know, Ashley’s website is a treasure trove of tools and information on how to market and sell your screenplay.  If you’ve never been to the site, the post How to Sell Your Screenplay (in a […]

Selling Your First Screenplay

Dear Script Doctor Eric: I’ve written my first screenplay and am looking to sell it.  Can you please tell me the best way to do this?  Should I write a query letter?  Synopsis?  Treatment? Is there a certain format for this? Sincerely, Pat Screenwriter — The above is a fabrication (Who is named Pat Screenwriter?). […]