Bridesmaids – Overrated?

BRIDESMAIDS received some of the most glowing reviews I’ve ever read from Entertainment Weekly, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Wall Street Journal, and Slate (amongst others).

Most of the time, comedies don’t fare nearly as well.  Could this be an affirmative action-like inflation to support more female-led comedies? (Which I fully support.)  Or is BRIDESMAIDS worth the hype?

The answer to both questions is….perhaps.

Sure, the movie was solid – many laughs, a number of touching moments – but as one of my Facebook friends (and others) have pointed out, it’s really about ONE bridesmaid.  (Though Melissa McCarthy‘s “Megan” steals every scene she is in.  STEALS them.)  The other characters lack development.

Which is a shame, because some of the funniest moments of the film come from the other bridesmaids.

The film is somewhat slow at parts.  Not to give too much away, but Kristen Wiig’s character goes through not one “rock-bottom” low moment, but at least two (perhaps three) towards the end of the film.  It seemed a bit much, and I noticed the audience in my theater shifting in their seats, waiting for the third act to begin.

Also, I was a bit disappointed when a few set ups don’t pay off.  For example, the bridesmaids are on their way to Vegas, so the audience thinks, “Great.  Vegas with these girls is about to get crazy…”  And then…no Vegas?  And no reaction?  Where was the express disappointment that they didn’t go to Vegas to match the very funny excitement about going to Vegas in the first place?

While probably not deserving of the “A” from Entertainment Weekly, BRIDESMAIDS  is still a VERY enjoyable ride.  I laughed, I cried, I laughed again.  The story is simple, there are a TON of jokes.  Kristen Wiig is funny, awkward (but not too pathetic) and her character eventually climbs out of depression, providing a small, but satisfying arc.

And (Spoiler Alert!), it’s always a nice touch to end a movie with a performance by Wilson Phillips.



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