2012 Screenwriting Resolutions

Though it may seem as if this post is coming a few weeks late, it is actually arriving early: My new year’s resolutions begin February 1st.

Why start the resolutions in February?  For one, it makes them more like 11-month resolutions, which seem far more doable, even though the commitment has only been reduced by a month.

For another, I’m always late with my resolutions.  (“Make  resolutions on time” will go that on next year’s list.)

So if you haven’t made your resolutions for the new year – or already fallen off the wagon – perhaps one of these will catch your attention and you can join me in February.

Script Doctor Eric’s 2012 Screenwriting Resolutions

1. Write for at least 30 minutes every day  – Set a timer, put on headphones, make it happen.

2. Exercise – Not very original, but it really keeps the body (and mind, which is in the body, it seems) healthy and active. I’ll start with 20-30 minutes every-other day.  I prefer jogging, swimming, punching a bag, and yoga-ing.*  Not at the same time.

3. Read more poetry – Can help in writing dialogue.  Seriously.

4. Read more good screenplays – One a week, to start.

5. Watch more movies – In 2010, I saw over 40 movies released that year.  In 2011, the number was past 50 (list is forthcoming).  This year I’m shooting for sixty.

6. Read novels – Apparently you can learn from great prose. 🙂

7. Eat more vegetables – This should probably be higher on the list.

Do those make sense?

I also want to finish my large project, write two more screenplays, grow Scriptcast, and get back into script consulting here on ScriptDoctorEric.com.

And more.   Stay tuned.


* Yes, yoga, what did you expect?  It’s LA. 🙂

One Response to 2012 Screenwriting Resolutions

  1. Dave says:

    Good resolutions Eric. I agree with the exercise part. This does keep me more focused. Do you have a set number of screenplays that you would like to finish? I want to complete three this year. I already have one done, and am in the process of polishing it.