Script Doctor Eric’s Hiatus Extended

As some of you know, my screenplay services have been on hold since early 2011 due to my involvement in a larger project.

In my original post on this topic (Script Doctor Eric on Semi-Hiatus), I estimated the project would be finished by early this year.  Unfortunately, it looks like it will take another six months.  My apologies.

What is this project?  If you haven’t figured it out yet by listening to Scriptcast (A Screenwriting Podcast) I’ll just say this: These things can take years.  Luckily, I’m nearing the end of the journey.

Meanwhile, I’ll still be updating this site, answering your emails, and pumping out new episodes of Scriptcast.  (Maybe “pumping out” isn’t the right word.  But you get the idea.)

I’m really looking forward to getting back into screenplay consulting.  While I love blogging and podcasting about screenwriting, I started to offer individual screenwriters specific help with their work.  I can’t wait to return to my original mission.

Thanks for your patience, and…



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