No Scriptcast Recording This Week

In case you didn’t know, Matt and I usually record Scriptcast – A Screenwriting Podcast on Wednesday mornings at the UCLA Radio station.

This week, due to scheduling issues – Matt scheduled an interview that could land him a job, and I scheduled catching up on some work – we will not be there.

So if you’re tuning into UCLA Radio at 10am this Wednesday, March 7th, because you see our name in the schedule and hear some college kid playing indie rock, don’t say I didn’t warn ya.

Meanwhile, check out the page dedicated to the podcast –

I’ve been updating the shows, and though I still have more to put up, there are show notes and links to all the cool things we discuss in our chats.

Yes, “all” the cool things.

We’ll be back in the studio recording new episodes on March 14th, so as we say on the show, until then…

Write something.



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