Support Something Sunday (#SSS)

Screenwriting is a solitary occupation.  To connect with other writers, artists, and fellow procrastinators, I’m often online, chatting, browsing, and seeing what everyone is up to.

Mostly, I love seeing what folks are creating.  Because of that, I’ve acquired minor addictions to Indiegogo and Kickstarter.

Script Doctor Eric on Indiegogo

Script Doctor Eric on Kickstarter

As you can see from those pages, I’ve given a few dollars here, and even a few dollars there. And every time I sponsor a project I think, “I should do this more.”



Thus, Support Something Sunday (#SSS) is born.

Here’s the dream: Writers, filmmakers, musicians, and anyone doing  creative things, help sponsor OTHER creative folks working on cool projects.  It’s a great way to meet other talented individuals, and be a part of something that is getting made.

Hopefully #SSS will help spread this idea like wildfire.  But even if we ignite only a small brush fire, I’d consider that a success.*

Each week I’ll pick one project, cause, or film that feels worthy of sponsorship, donate at least $5, and post about the project (and why I picked it) right here on the site.

Want to sponsor a film/short/art-project but not sure which one to choose?  Great!  Sponsor the project profiled!  That’s the point of #SSS!  I may even be offering prizes for those who join in sponsoring with me.  (Stay tuned!)

If you don’t sponsor the project profiled on #SSS, that’s fine, but hopefully these posts motivate you to help out a creative venue in one way or another.

Perhaps you have a worthy project in need of sponsorship?  Drop me an email (eric at scriptdoctoreric dot com)!  While I probably won’t be able to choose every suggestion, I’ll certainly take a look at every project emailed to me…

So send me your projects, people.  The first Support Something Sunday project will be profiled next week.




* This is a metaphor of course.  Script Doctor Eric does not condone the starting of ANY type of fire in the wild, except those designated by camping sites or other controlled areas.

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