Logline Friday Winner – Class Dismissed

And the winner of the weekly logline competition called Logline Friday for January 25, 2013 is…Geoff Breedwell!

Screw that guy!  My logline was better than his…even though I haven’t read his yet…I just know it in my bones!

First of all, can you really know anything “in your bones?”  And second…well, you may be correct.  Though I feel qualified to make the selection, the process of choosing the winner each week is what you might call “slightly arbitrary.”*

And this week I was in the mood for what Geoff was dishing out.  Here his winning logline:

@GeoffBreedwell – A student must evade the sniper’s cross-hairs during class, w/o telling anyone, or everyone in his family dies.

Frightening.  Probably too soon after so many school shootings, but maybe in a few years could work.

The logline immediately got me thinking: How the heck is the student going to get out of this situation?  If done well, this could be another BURIED – a movie I liked a lot.

In any case, it sounds like a one-location, horror/thriller, and there are always people looking to make those.  If I’m an agent, manager, or assistant, I’m requesting this bad boy to see if Geoff pulled it off.

So, congrats to Geoff!  He wins notes on the first 5 pages of any script he wishes to send me.

But more importantly, Geoff wins bragging rights.  Tell everyone, Geoff.


Still think your logline was better than Geoff’s?   Or, maybe you had a great logline but were too shy to enter?  Don’t worry, there’s another Logline Friday coming up.

You guessed it – it’s this Friday.

Did you really guess it?  Nice.  Maybe you should have won this week instead of Geoff.

Seriously.  And…



* And by “slightly arbitrary” I mean, “completely arbitrary.”  But hey, that’s Hollywood!  At least I try and provide a reason to my madness!  🙂

One Response to Logline Friday Winner – Class Dismissed

  1. Eva says:

    It’s the type of logline that makes you wonder why are they after him to begin with. Congrats to the winner :). There’s always next time for the rest of us lol :).