Welcome to Scriptcast!

Scriptcast is a screenwriting podcast where produced screenwriter Script Doctor Eric (About Eric)  and his talented co-host TV Wet Nurse Matt (Find Matt) chat about the ins and outs of screenwriting in a fun and humorous way…with various levels of success.

(The easiest way to listen to Scriptcast is to go to the iTunes store and search “Scriptcast”)

Past episodes from the podcast are posted below, with show notes, information, links, and the ability to stream it right off the page.

We’re still working to get ALL the episodes up, but most of the good ones are there!  🙂

For now, feel free to explore the shows below.  It won’t hurt.

Eric is currently working on a long-term project, and Matt is busy with a full-time job and filming Channel 101’s Karate P.I., but the two plan to record more episodes of Scriptcast in the near future!


Thanks for your patience, and…




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