Category Archives: Logline Friday

Logline Friday Winner – Male Order Bride

Thank you to everyone who submitted for the first of the newly relaunched Logline Fridays. There were so many excellent screenplay loglines it was difficult to choose the best of the bunch. But I said I would.  And so, without further ado, the winner of Logline Friday for December 14, 2012 is…Berto! @bert0o0 – Unlucky with love, […]

Today is Logline Friday

Logline Friday is back, starting…now! What is Logline Friday?   It’s a free, weekly competition that gives screenwriters a reason to practice honing their screenplay loglines. How do I submit my logline? Tweet it to @scriptdreric in one or two tweets.  Or, if you’re shy, you may email it to me. How many loglines can I […]

Logline Friday is Back!

At long last, your favorite free logline contest (Logline Friday) will return this Friday, December 14th, 2012, and continue indefinitely. Forgot the rules and don’t want to click the link (above) for some reason?  Here’s what you do: Create a logline in 280 characters or less for a screenplay you are currently writing.  For some great […]

Halfway Back

While I’m done with the larger project that kept me on hiatus through most of 2012, there are still a few odds and ends I’m catching up on before relaunching my screenwriting services. These “odds and ends” will be done soon.  As in, the next few days. So if you have a script and are looking […]

Coming this Fall…

As many of you know, I am currently on break from script consulting as I finish a larger project.   Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  And I can see that it will be possible to reach that light by this fall. While I still update and Matt and I do […]