Logline Friday Winner – July 16th, 2010

First, a quick comment: the quality of submissions for this week’s Logline Friday was phenomenal. I literally thought “that’s the winner” after four different loglines. Your submissions kept impressing me, one after another. Seriously.

You probably think I always say that. Well, there’s an easy way to check: view the past Logline Friday winners.

See, this week WAS special. 🙂

Well, even though there was so many great lines, a contest is a contest.

And so, without further ado, the winner of Logline Friday for July 16th, 2010 is…

James Collins!

“An inept cop from a quiet town spends his days trying to solve the crimes that he unknowingly commits while sleepwalking.”

As long as this stays in the comedy realm, it feels like a funny Fight Club.

Oops. You’ve seen Fight Club already, right? 🙂

James wins a free 5-minute phone consultation – or 8 minute online chat – over the first few pages of any one of his scripts. Congrats James!

And to everyone else, I’ll see you next Friday!


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