Free Screenplay Notes

Is there a way to get free notes on your screenplay from screenwriting, reader, and script consultant Script Doctor Eric (About Eric)?

The answer is YES!  Well, at least on the first 5-10 pages of your script.

1. Feedback Friday – On the last Friday of every month I am a guest reviewer at Feedback Friday.  Anyone can submit the first 10 pages of their script, and hope that it gets picked!  Check out my latest script review and submit your pages, if you dare… 🙂

2. Logline Friday – In my weekly logline contest the winner gets notes on the first 5 pages of their script!

And I’m a little behind…

So…that’s it for this post.  Join the contests!  I’m off to do some free notes.*

Seriously, and…



* Of course, if you want notes on your entire script, it does take me a bit of time, and I do have to eat (a little), so there is a charge.  See MY SCREENWRITING SERVICES.  As you can see,  I try to keep my rates reasonable, because I know screenwriting doesn’t have the top priority in everyone’s budget.  (But perhaps it should!  Seriously…)

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